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Let’s hope there aren’t any moguls


I’m sitting outside on the sunniest day of 2009.  My graduation from UVM is in my wake and I’m excited about the future.

People ask my what I’m doing.  Do you have a job yet?  Are you going back to school? Where are you going to live?

Leaving Burlington has been such an interesting experience.  My family came to wish me well and congratulate me.  I wore a funny hat and was handed a piece of paper in a fancy folder by a man who looked a lot like someone from Hogworts.

There were great parties, fun times, lots of laughs and my dad made everyone within arms reach cry with him when I got my diploma.  Right after that… people started leaving.  Friends started saying bye, posters were rolled up and packed away.

I’m not going to say that it all went by so quickly.  It didn’t.  But the end did come suddenly.  It came with plenty warning, too.  It’s such a neat experience, packing up your things and leaving a town behind.  Burlington Vermont was very good to me.

I see my younger self in the care free sophomores walking into downtown burlington.  It’s the beginning of Summer for them.  Their flip flops slap their feet as they walk down to church street’s brick causeway and outdoor seating.  They get to experience Summer in Burlington as I pack up my car and tape up cardboard boxes.

I’m not sad.  I’m going to be living in boston.  I’ll be going to conferences and meeting people who work at companies in my field of interest.  I’m looking for a job that gets me going.  A job where I can break down some neat problem and create efficient solutions would keep my mind happy. I want to go to graduate school and get an engineering degree.

I’m buying old mopeds, rebuilding them, and then seling them.  I’m going to ride my moped into the city and have iced coffee in harvard square.  I’m going to meet new people and learn shortcuts throughout the city.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that things are changing.  They are changing suddenly and they are changing right now. This change is marked by tears, carboard boxes, renting uhauls, taking down posters, going to conferences, buying new clothes, and warm weather. I hope that I cry and I wonder when it’s going to happen, if at all.

In one way I feel like I’ve just knocked a glass off of the table and I’m trying to reach for it just before it hits the ground.

In another way I feel like I’m about to get off of the ski lift for my first time. I hope I don’t slip and stop the ski lift, embarrassing myself and knocking whoever is next to me onto the snow.  But I’ve got a feeling that I’m going to hit the snow and slide cleanly over to the first trail.

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Twitter monster

It is April 8th.  The year: 2009.

You probably know that I like projects.  Projects are excellent.  The most recent one that I’ve got myself involved in is horticulture.  Basically, I’m working on my green thumb.

I was surprised how cheap the set up can be.  Check out the one I’ve got going on….


I’m a little late in the season to start some plants from seed but it should work out pretty nicely. What I’ve got set up here is some flourescent lights.  A soft white and a cool white.

Why?  It’s actually kind of interesting.  Plants appear green when you look at them.  That’s because the light that falls within the “green” spectrum bounces off of the plant and into your eyes.  That means that plants use up the other parts of the spectrum.  In other words, blue and red.

Cool white is the blue, soft white is the red.  The plant gets what it needs with little excess wasted.  Pretty neat.

I’m taking this commercial plant propagation class that I really enjoy.  I’m learning all sorts of cool techinques: cutting, grafting, air-layering, tissue culturing…  I’d like to keep a garden from now on.  The set up I’ve got going right now was super cheap, about 30 bucks total.

I’ve been really busy, lately.  Its the end of senior year.  I’ve been doing this spine research, its pretty cool.  I’ve been using a micro CT machine to try to observe transport into the intervertebral disc.  If you are interested in the paper I wrote, you can check out the .pdf here.

So that’s been keeping me pretty busy, I’ve had to give a bunch of presentations.  But in the end I got an award for it, “The distinguished undergraduate research award”.  Not too shabby.

Speaking of shabbiness. The new wolverine origins movie was leaked.  But it wasn’t the complete version.  It was the working copy!  I didn’t know what that meant at first, then I watched it.  Basically it looks like a 10 year old made the CGI for the movie and there are no sound effects.  I’m still trying to figure out what else is wrong with it, but its pretty bad.  I only watched the first scene… I’m too excited for this movie to ruin it by watching it early.

Oh and P.S. I’m going to join you guys on twitter. My name is chedderfiend on there, whats yours?  I figure I’ll be able to update twitter more often than the blog because I always have my phone on me, y’know?

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At last

Wow I must have been asleep for a long time.  I remember going to bed and then waking up to a blog that hadn’t been updated in a long time.

That’s ludicrous. Also, if you watch the graph of the people who visit this blog… well let’s just say it has gone down.  But not as much as I might think.  People still visit, despite lack of content or anything interesting at all.

So quick recap: I find joy in lots of things now. I was just in Utah.  It’s really weird.  How, you ask? Umm… well for example, you will drive by this huuuggge building (or just a normal sized building in downtown Boston) and on the side of it in ginormous letters it says, “JESUS CHRIST of LATTER DAY SAINT…….office building”.

Oh, that’s cool. Jesus is in a meeting right now but I’m his secretary.  Sure, I’ll let jesus know you had some business to discuss.

Salt Lake City.

More recaps. I’m shopping at thrift stores all the time.  I got a sport coat/blazer whatever you wanna call it for 8 dollars.  I’ve got a collection going now and its very sweet.

Actually I’m trying to dress nicely lately.  Its tough without money, but thrift stores… I’m telling you they are gold mines. Never shop at a store again.  Go to a thrift store instead of the Gap or whereever you shop.  It’s pretty awesome.

Some of the stuff is really F’d in the A but a lot of it is excellent.

Other things? I visited my brother (the reason I went to Utah).  He has a band and its pretty sick. Tight. Dank. Those are words he uses often.  Particularly “Dank”.  The thing is, I’ve realized that “dank” means next to nothing.  I mean it basically can represent anything.  It doesn’t really describe whats good though.  You could say, “wow this lasagna is DANK” and I’ll know that you like it… but I won’t know why.  I’m going to try using more descriptive words.

It’s tough. Difficult. Challenging.

I’m reading kurt vonnegut’s ‘player piano’.  Great book. That man can write.

Keep it honest.

Part 2:

So that first post was written earlier this morning in the downstairs bathroom.  This one will be written upstairs, while I lay on my stomach and face my pillow. Face can be a verb.  It’s actually better that way.

I only have one order of business with you, but it will slowly trickle into multiple objectives. The main objective is to show you a video of one of my brother’s band’s favorite songs.  Apostrophe S. Okay the name of his band is “The Dim Spook” and I recorded this video when I visited him recently.  The song is called “Diddy kong racing”.

Sick. I actually really like the song.

Hyde you should send me that video of me birdwatching while, how do you say…. extremely excited about bird watching? That works. Very interested in the process of birdwatching.  When hyde sends it to me I’ll edit it into this post so you know what the hell I’m talking about.

Furthermore, second order of business. Roy is asking for it.  If it were 1995 I would boot you off of AIM.  If it were 1996 I would try and install a trojan in your computer, accidentally infect myself, then open up your CD rom drive after I figured out how to use the trojan.

Man, those things were awesome.  One time I ‘hacked’ into some girl’s computer and took a picture of her desktop while talking to her on AIM.  Then I sent it to her.  It was awesome.

About a year later Ronny (was that his name?) tried sending me a “RLY fun Simpsons game.exe” LOLzorz. I’m hip to your jive,  Ronny.

In middle school I remember going to his house (Ronny’s, if that’s his name).  He was very proud of the obscene amount of pornography magazines (aka porno mags) in his bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Come to think of it (no pun intended) I’m pretty sure there were porno mags in every room of that house.

I only went over once. I havent thought about it until now. I’m sharing this with the sphere.

Where did I put that book I was reading? I want to finish it.


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A really fun prank

Try this one out.  I swear it works, I’ve done it twice. It’s really rewarding, too.

Ok, this prank works anywhere, but the best place to do it is at a party (not a RAGER, but a party… where people can hear eachother speak).  You need to be a convincing actor though.  Or actress.

So heres how it works. You know how you go through your phone’s ringtones and they play when they are selected?  Well go to that screen when you are behind people.  When I did it, there were like 4 people sitting on a couch and I was behind them.  Choose one person, this is the person you are going to make look really stupid (let’s call her steph).

Then go through your ringtones and have one play.  This is where you need to act like your phone is ringing (not hard, nobody is paying attention to you anyway, but they hear the ring). Now grab something about the size of a phone.  I grabbed a sweet potato, for example.

Now have a fake conversation.  Start off just talking about where you are. “hello?  heyy whats up man. [pause] yea yeah…. i’m just chilling at my friend john’s house.  Yeah its pretty sweet [pause] … ummm, i dunno, probably just hanging out, what about you?…. cool”.

TIP: Pause often and say filler stuff like, “uh huh…”  “yea, i know”

TIP: Ask questions.  “What are you doing?”  “are you going to be hanging out there all night”

Just let hte fake conversation flow for about 20 seconds or so and then say the persons name with a big question mark.  “Steph???  Yeah I think shes here”  Then look around and be like, “Yeah… yeah shes right here why whats up?”

This is where it gets good.  Keep your sweet potato out of view and just ham it up.  Put your finger up to steph, giving her the ‘hold on, just one second, be patient’ kind of look/attitude. The key here is to make sure you aren’t paying attention to steph, you are on the phone, having a conversation… she brings herself in, if you try to get her attention blatantly, or look at her too much… she’ll probably catch on. She should be focused on you… wanting the phone and wanting to know what the person wants.  So let it build for about 10 seconds or so.

“yeah shes right here…. wow really?  …. yeah….  uh huh…   well do you want to talk to her?” then, if you did it right, she should have her hand extended, ready to talk on the phone. Hand her the sweet potato and keep eye contact with her.

Both times i’ve done it, the person put the sweet potato right up to their ear and said, “hello??  … FUCK!”

Let me know if you pull it off.  It’s so fun.

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Trying not to talk about the Olympics

This isn’t a blog about the olympics.  But I want to talk about them.  Fight it, fight the urge.  Maybe I’ll say something later on.

You know what I got this weekend?  Don’t guess.  I’ll tell you in like a sentence.  I got glasses.  Thats right.  Prescription glasses.

I didn’t really think I needed them.  I mean I can see shit.  I can’t read things far away, and if I squint then I can read things and see things even better.  I can drive at night and I can beat most people in that game at the carnival where you shoot water into a clown’s mouth.

I can see.

So I decided to get htem checked out.  I guess I’m a competitive person, I always ask people, “can you see that, over there? can you read that?” And then we compare eye sight for a while and I find out that I am not as good as they are.  Bullshit!  So I called up lenscrafters and told them to check my shit.

The dude who checked out my eyes was pretty cool.  Really cool.  We shot the shit for a while. I asked a bunch of questions (because that’s what I do).  Talked about eyes for a while.

I put my face infront of a sweet contraption and he basically said, “which can you see better, A or B?”.  He did a lot of them. A or B? A or B? B.. or C? B… or C?  A…. or B?

Like the asshole I am, I had him go back and forth a bunch, “uhhh… can you repeat A again?”.  I took that shit seriously.

Then he gave me some drops in my eyes.  The first drops made my eyes numb.  He did that because the next set of drops hurt like a bitch.  I didn’t know it hurt though, cause my eyes were numb.

The drops make some muscles in my eyes really relaxed.  The other drops make the other muscles super intensely flexed.  The result is dilated pupils.  I told him he should probably just give people ecstacy because it would be way more pleasant of an experience.  I was kidding.

We joked around a bit.  What he did to my eyes with those drops was no joke though.  We needed to wait like 10 minutes so we went outside of the eye room and into the mall area.  He told me to sign some crap and when I tried to read it I immediately knew what my dad’s eyes are like.

I held it out like arms length.  Cause if I held it up to my face, like i’m used to doing, my lens doesn’t change shape anymore.  When you focus on stuff close up your lense changes its shape.  Well his crap drugs made that stop real quick. It was like my eyes were instantly 45 years old.  Weird.  When you get to that age your lens doesnt really change its shape too well.

So when we went back into the eye room he shined a really bright light into my eye, a bunch of times.  He was looking inside my poor sensitive eyes to see if I had anything crazy going on.  My eyes couldn’t constrict either, cause of those drops.  So that shit was brrrrrriiigght.  It was really cool though.  I could see an image of my blood vessels in my eyes.  It was really weird.  It was like when you look at somehting really bright and an image of that is burned in.  Except for me, it was crazy branches of blood vessels that took over almost my entire field of view.

Anyway, I’m wearing glasses now.  They are pretty sweet.  Nothing like a $500 accessory.

The good news is that its like everything is HD.  I didn’t realize how much my vision could improve.  Its pretty sweet.

Want to know what else is pretty sweet.  It’s an optical illusion.  I’m going to look for it really quickly, hold please.

Ok I found it.  Check it out.  You’ve got to close your left eye and look at the cross with your right eye.  Now move your head back slowly.  What happens to the black dot???

That little bastard disappears!  Want to know why?  Ok well the back of your eye is where all the light goes, it hits your retina, which is jam packed with light-sensitive nervous tissue.  Cones and rods, y’know?  Anyway this is information for your brain, so all these little chunks of information gather and leave the eye in one place.  Its called your optical nerve.  Well in that spot, there are no nerve endings… its just the pipeline for all the other nerves.  It’s your “Blind spot”.

Pretty cool.

aren’t you proud! no olympics talk!

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tug tug ttuuuuggggggg…. splash!

Guess what happened this morning?  I’ll give you a hint, it involved an asian man suspended by wires “running” high up in the air around a ridiculous stadium holding a flaming torch.

Still don’t know?

It also involved about 1000 chinese men dressed in neon green spandex suits with bright white lights attached to every part of their body.

It was the olympics opening ceremony, beijing 2008! It was really friggin intense.

I woke up and watched it this morning on CBC (canadian broadcast).  I was looking for the NBC coverage of the olympics.  You know, NBC has full and exclusive rights to the olympic games.  You know what they were showing during all of this action?

The today show.  I don’t even know what they were talking about, I was so baffled that the american broadcasting channel that got exclusive rights to the olympics chose to have some crappy hosts talking on a couch drinking coffee instead of showing me this:

So I watched it on the canadians broadcasting channel.  And you know what? I have a few things I want to say about it.

First off, china is RIDICULOUS. They were just doing the most outlandish, crazy shit. I’ve never watched other opening ceremonies, maybe I have, but I never cared.  China threw down. So extravagent. With all the buzz going around this summer’s olympics, it only makes sense.

The thing is, they had sooo many people.  You know the saying, “you’re one in a million”. Well if you are one in a million in china, there are a thousand people exactly like you.

For the opening ceremonies, there were 1000 people at a time in perfect synchrony.  Probably more, it wasnt like I counted.  All I know is that they were really intense, they trained for 10 months.  Every performance was some crazy display of quantum entanglement.  What I mean is, all of their motions were on point.  And they were doing ridiculous stuff.

There was a giant sphere, a globe.  They projected on it (they projected on everything… they do make all of our projectors, remember?).  People ran around it.  This is a sphere.  A giant sphere with people singing on top of it.

See?  You should watch it  and see all the crazy performances for yourself.  But it didn’t end there.  In fact, it ended with a man running through the air holding a flaming torch, doing a aerial lap around the stadium and finally lighting off this massive flaming beacon.


Anyway, then came the PARADE OF NATIONS.  Sounds pretty badass.  And it was pretty sweet. 204 countries.  The most ever.  Should be 205 but some stupid country fucked up.

The competitors walk out with a flag bearer and sweet outfits. Iran showed up.  They had something like 55 competitors, a pretty impressive number.  They had bright green outfits on and looked happy and pretty.  The canadian anouncers were like, “thats gotta be aaaawwwwkkkwward to be walking right by george bush right now, those countries have…tension”. The camera didn’t show bush because thats not kosher.

I missed the americans coming out (i had to go to work).  So that sucks.  I’ll watch it tonight when NBC shows it. But I wonder if we’ll be able to see Alicia Sacramone.  She’s pretty baller.  It’s pretty cool that we went to highschool with her.  Makes me way more enthused. She’s the US women gymnastics team unofficial leader.  Right now she is in China.  She’s competing to take home some gold.  Really awesome.  Our big rivals in gymnastics are china… I really hope Alicia (and her team) kick some ass.

Pretty cool.  I managed to catch a mug shot of Kobe Bryant representing, though.  By the time I got hte streaming video at work the Americans already came out.  Anyway we had pretty baller outfits.  Also alicia sac is chilling with kobe and in the olympics…what? Sick.

You know what else is really sweet?  Speaking of the olympics.  Americans have by far the most medals.. quoting…

They are by far the most successful nation in the Olympic history, winning almost 2,200 medals in total and almost 900 of them gold, marks that are more than double those of its nearest rival in both categories.

You know what we won?  Well among other things, back in the early 1900’s, from 1900-1920 there used to be tug of war.  We won 4 total medals (only 1 gold, though) in tug of frggin war.  It was sweet (I was there).  12 on 12.

Turns out america tugs second o’ war. Britain is first. We’re ranked second in the WORLD. Don’t fuck with our ropes, bitches.

Alright… Back to work.

Cheers ya’ll

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6 reasons why James Tully kicks ass

Today is Tully’s 22nd birthday.  Right now he’s in afghanistan.  He’s also probably the coolest person I know.

I haven’t blogged in a while.  Hey, hey now. Chill out.  Even bloggers need a vacation. But today I woke up early.  I made a hearty breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, diagnosed my moped with an air/fuel mixture problem, and went to work early.  Could I be turning a new leaf?  Mayhaps.

You may see more blog posts out of this kid.  But enough of me, this post is about Tully, because its his birthday and he is the man. Without further adou…

The top 6 reasons why James Tully kicks ass

6) He was 20 when everyone else was 10.

Despite the fact that his birthday is only a month before mine, Tully was 20 when we were all in 4th grade.  Maybe its because he has been crushing a healthy diet consisting of a freezer filled with happy meal cheeseburgers and more Jolt, Mountain dew, and ballz than any human should consume.  Maybe its because while we all brushed our teeth in the morning with toothpaste, he did it at night with thrashpaste. The truth is, its an anomoly. Below is a picture of  tully circa 2000. Note the distinction between howley and tully. Its hard to believe he came out of the womb that way.


5) He wore trucker hats before anyone, ever.

Years after tully invented the trucker hat and “76” sweat band skater look, he was accused of copying blink 182.  This is a disgusting and ill conceived comparison by blink 182 fans of the late nineties. Obviously, blink 182 copied tully.  You know those market research groups who study young people to see what they are into?  It’s a big field, apparently (before facebook came along, anyway).  Well I’m pretty sure that if they found tully theyd never have a study group every again.  Theyd simply sell whatever it is that he is wearing/doing.  Say what you will, the bottom line is that in 5 years every teenager will be wearing studded leather belts and their sisters jeans.

4) His collection of bookmarks are the reason computers get faster every year

You may think that increases in manufacturing techniques and years of research are responsible for the exponential increase in processing power.  You probably think its the market and alien technologies that put more and more memory into your ipod.  And you are wrong.  These companies are fighting to create enough bandwith and processing power in order to quench the demands of tully’s web browser.  The bottom line is that if you were to print out tullys list of bookmarks (and take out a small forest doing so) you would see a sickening collection of everythign that was ever cool or popular well before the mainstream got a hold of it.  Not to mention the disgusting amount of subcultures documented. Examples? Fine. Paintball, LARPing, fixed gears, raves, turntablism, guitars, swords, lore, linux, video games, graffiti…

3) He could find a way to play music using nothing but a tubesock and a pet turtle

Some people take guitar lessons and learn to play eight days a week by the beatles half decently.  Some people are handed a recorder in 5th grade for the christmas chorus presentation and belt out a few notes. Tully was born with a guitar pick in his hand, and before the the doctor could cut his umbelical cord he streched that shit out and thrashed it apart with his pick. He has literally walked around his house with a microphone and recorded noises from throughout the house, patched them together, and made a song out of it.  Granted, its not my kind of music, he had a myspace following.  And not surprisingly, about 6 different myspace accounts (seriously).

2) He’s currently pwn’ing n00bs in aghanistan

Tully graduated the marine corps training facility on time, which is a serious accomplishment.  He trained as a sharpshooter (clearly did well), worked in demolitions blowing shit up (we expect nothing less), and last I checked, carries a shoulder mounted missle launcher around. He has always been into great warriors and heroes, it is only fitting that he becomes one.  He’s making us all proud fighting with the 24th meu and I speak for everyone who knows him when I say that we can’t wait for him to get back. Rock on

1) His tattoos say “1337” in metal 5p34k

He has “heavy metal” written in iron maiden font on his fore arms.  He said he would get beerzerk tattooed on his body one time while drunk with his marines.  They called bullshit.  Tully has beer zerk written across his stomach. The other day I was at the beach and I saw a huge dude with small legs covered from neck to waist in colorfully horrendous tattoos.  I’m not saying that I hate a body full of tattoos.  I’m just saying that these tattoos very much attempted to say “i’m a badass” but all you really think of when you look at them is, wow this guy thinks hes a badass, i bet he regrets getting those because he found out that they didn’t make him badass.

You know tully doesnt regret his tattoos.  Want to know why? Cause they rock. They say “i don’t give a fuck, I thrash”. And to that I raise my glass and say, “fuck yeah, tully. thrash till death”

n00b jazz

n00b jazz

These aren’t the only reason tully kicks ass, but its about time somebody let the world know at least 6 reasons.  These need not be stated, believed, or appreciated by anyone–because they exist on their own, for no audience, and require no watering.

Even though he won’t read this for a long time, Tully, have a happy birthday, bro.  We can’t wait for you to come home.

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Start it off slow

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Celtics win and I choose not to follow the “WOOO”s downtown to the bars.  I suspect more woo’s to be heard, as they are seriously deserved.  Fireworks go off outside my window.  Not the majestic kind, the ones that have finales and such.  These are the fireworks that some kid down the street must have bought for occasions such as these.

The celtics won.  I guess I picked a good time to start watching basketball.  I know I’ll be watching next season.  And I’ll be pissed if we lose pierce, garnett, ray allen, or rondo.  Rondo is sort of my favorite player but its really hard to tell when they are serving rondo-allen combo meals all day at the garden.  Rondo is a great little scrap player.  He seriously makes things happen.

When hes not in, it confuses me.  The celtics need a little (ok, not little at all) wirey guy to run around making dirt passes and stealing balls from everyone (including kobe)

Pretty ridiculous game.  A great day to be in boston, I’m sure.  Cheers to hyde, I’m sure hes loving it.  Cheers to boston.

With that said, I bought a new moped.

This one looks a lot prettier.  Its going to need some work but its got a lot of the goods.  It even has a little mirror on it, so you can see whats going on behind you.  All the stickers and plastics and everything you’d ever need is there.  Except a working engine… and a carburetor. But thats the fun part.

Maybe I’ll sell it.  Doubtful.  I think I’m going to just have two, one for me and one for a friend.  Then eventually I’ll probably get more and sell those.  who knows, really.  Its a fun little hobby though. Thats for sure.

This post isn’t funny.  My apologies.

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And 1

if you were to look to my right, you would see a light that says “X-Ray on”.  Sweet.

I’m writing from the Micro-CT machine computer, currently running a scan with a few minutes to kill.

It’s been a while since we’ve last spoke.  I’m going to see if I can post everyday for a little while.  How long do you think I can do it for?  We’ll see.

So a brief update…

Sun’s been hot.  I’ve been outside and enjoying it whenever I can, but I really got my first good dosage of sun yesterday.  Didn’t get burned, but definitely got sun.  Good news. I look really hot when I’m tan, seriously.  Watch out.

The moped is capable of taking me down to the beach and back.  Sick.

Ok, now something a little more serious.  I used to mock basketball, thought it was the most boring sport to watch.  I simply wasn’t impressed unless I was high or something similar.  Just didn’t do it for me.  But lately I’ve been exercising and one of my favorite activities is a little pick up game of basketball.

I’m not very good, in fact.. you might even say I’m bad.  But you wouldn’t say I’m not progressing.  Because that would be a lie.  Regardless, it’s fun and challenging.  I barely know the rules.  I make a few baskets per game.  Slowing increasing from my usual zero points per game.

With the celtics playing the lakers, and me playing my friends, I’ve gained a new appericiation for the sport.  It’s actually really entertaining.  Those really tall dudes on TV playing basketball are really really good at it. Hyde will scoff, he’ll say “I told you so”.

He will remind me of that link he sent me, “why people love sports”.  Because I don’t have the link, I’ll sum it up briefly.  It gives you something to be passionate about, in a world where few seem to really be passionate about anything.

Anyway, looks like I’m starting to like the sport just in time for a pretty epic championship.  Now I know where the term “the truth” came from.

My opinion of the games so far?  Kobe is pretty much the man although he tends to chill out after the 1st quarter.  Pierce is lightning, he just makes it happen on a regular basis.  Gets the contact.  Gets the points.

But he’s not my favorite player.  I think my favorite is ray allen, although I must admit he wasn’t kicking so much ass last night.  He is clockwork draino and his three point shots barely even touch net.  He seems like he is humble and wise.

Rondo is pretty sweet too.  Scrappy player but hes great at the scrap with those long arms and hands.  Sucks that when he makes a few big mistakes they take him out and dont put him back in.  Stupid freshman, I guess.  I think he’s money, though.

Garnett was racking up the fouls last night but he still made some really clutch plays, even though he was walking on some thin ice.

But my least favorite has got to be Odom on the lakers.  He’s dangerous.  He’s good.  But he’s a friggin jerk.  I hate when he gets points and flicks his tongue like a dumbass.

Enough basketball… Let’s talk movies for a moment.

First and foremost, I’d like to explain to you my single biggest problem with movie theaters.  If you take anything from this post, let it be this…


There has never been a movie theater that has been able to do this for me.  Ridiculous? Yes. It is unreal.  They simply won’t do it for you.  You need to buy a bottled water for 2.50 or a large soda for 4.75.  You cannot have tap water unless you have it in one of their dixie cups.  The kind you use after you brush your teeth.  A disposable shot glass, of sorts.

There is no way around this.  Mind blasting insanity.  

The happening is stupid.  Don’t see it.

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