When doves vibe

I’ve been waiting for something to get me to blog again.  You can’t get out of the blog world for so long and then come back with a nonsense post.

Well, something happened.  Something BIG happened.

Okay, I lied. The wifi signal in this coffee house is really crappy so my plans have been derailed. That’s right, I’m writing this in TextEdit.  Will it get ported over to my blog? We’ll see.

So holy crap, guys! I haven’t posted since the beginning of Summer.  That’s so rude of me.  Since we’ve last spoken I’ve lived with my parents, found a job, become (fully) single, launched fireworks, moved into Harvard sq, and won trivia.

I even built a desk! My first piece of furniture.  It was a lot of fun.

Listen, we can talk about the past all we want.  But today is the present, and so is this blog post.  It’s a present. It’s the present. And I didn’t even wrap it.

My situation includes a chick reading a kindle.  Kindles. A bowl of tomato bisque. There was bread at one point but that doesn’t stand a chance sitting next to hot, creamy, delicious tomato bisque.  On a fall day? Fuhgettaboudit.

Victory! My friend just handed me his piece of bread.  That’s 3 pieces of bread for one bowl.  I can handle it.  It’s nothing I can’t handle.

This halloween is the first halloween in which I will not be building an intense costume.  Last year I was maximus decimus meridius (general of the felix legion, commander to the armies of the north?) and before that I was boba fett. This year… well this year I’m going to New York City.  Justice is playing.  I have a spiffy outfit in the works.  Think neon. Think neon. Neon.

That’ll be a blast.  Especially because it’s in New York City.  NYC is a beautifully awesome place.

I think I just swallowed a hair.  But really, is that such a bad thing?  Probably not.

Crap. Soup’s done.  Okay… don’t panic. I still have coffee. You know what I’m going to be doing soon?  There’s a cook-off at my workplace.  A pumpkin cook-off.  That’s pretty nice because I like to cook and I’ve always had a soft spot for pumpkins.  The rules: you must make something that has pumpkin in it. I’m going for pumpkin chili. Definitely.

I’ve never had it or heard of it.  But it sounds delicious.  I’m thinking nutmeg.  Cinnamon.  Brown shug. Sweet potatoes. Beef. Pumpkin chunks. I don’t know how its going to work.  I barely care.  I’m going to try it a few times and when it seems like its good, well I’m going to hollow out a pumpkin and fill it with chili.  I’ll serve it with bread.

Listen, its fall. That’s what you do.  I love this time of year.  Its getting cold so blankets are getting thicker and warmer.  Its getting cold so leafage is getting peepage. Its getting cold so everyone starts to bundle up and scarves hang out.

Summer might be over but the sun still shines at noon.  The only difference is that the shade is too cold. And the wind is chilling.  But that doesnt mean its not refreshing.  In fact… I want to jump into a lake.

This is brainspam. This is mindspew. This is a train of thoughts from my station to yours. It runs off of steam and its totally steampunk. Its made out of brass and copper and it shoots out puffs of hot mist when it turns and grinds.

Are you still reading? You should continue because I promise its worth it.

Lately I’ve really enjoyed meeting other people.  People who don’t know me.  I’ve come to realize the single most important thing to an interaction between two people.


Vibe is a distinct emotional aura that is intuitively sensed by another person.  Vibes can match. Vibes interact. Vibes play with eachother and they hate eachother. There are good vibes and there are bad vibes.  The only thing you can control is your own vibe.  It’s in how you walk and the way you talk.  It surrounds you like the force, except everyone is vibe-sensitive.  Only a select few are force-sensitive. When you approach someone or talk to someone new, maybe its a waiter or someone behind the cash register.  Vibe with them.  Don’t say “hi how are you” in a vestigial way, removed from your interaction and done solely because its polite.  Literally look at the person and read the vibe. Concentrate on projecting a good vibe and hopefully they will align theirs to match. When vibes match, doves cry.  This is what it sounds like.

When doves vibe.

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Let’s hope there aren’t any moguls


I’m sitting outside on the sunniest day of 2009.  My graduation from UVM is in my wake and I’m excited about the future.

People ask my what I’m doing.  Do you have a job yet?  Are you going back to school? Where are you going to live?

Leaving Burlington has been such an interesting experience.  My family came to wish me well and congratulate me.  I wore a funny hat and was handed a piece of paper in a fancy folder by a man who looked a lot like someone from Hogworts.

There were great parties, fun times, lots of laughs and my dad made everyone within arms reach cry with him when I got my diploma.  Right after that… people started leaving.  Friends started saying bye, posters were rolled up and packed away.

I’m not going to say that it all went by so quickly.  It didn’t.  But the end did come suddenly.  It came with plenty warning, too.  It’s such a neat experience, packing up your things and leaving a town behind.  Burlington Vermont was very good to me.

I see my younger self in the care free sophomores walking into downtown burlington.  It’s the beginning of Summer for them.  Their flip flops slap their feet as they walk down to church street’s brick causeway and outdoor seating.  They get to experience Summer in Burlington as I pack up my car and tape up cardboard boxes.

I’m not sad.  I’m going to be living in boston.  I’ll be going to conferences and meeting people who work at companies in my field of interest.  I’m looking for a job that gets me going.  A job where I can break down some neat problem and create efficient solutions would keep my mind happy. I want to go to graduate school and get an engineering degree.

I’m buying old mopeds, rebuilding them, and then seling them.  I’m going to ride my moped into the city and have iced coffee in harvard square.  I’m going to meet new people and learn shortcuts throughout the city.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that things are changing.  They are changing suddenly and they are changing right now. This change is marked by tears, carboard boxes, renting uhauls, taking down posters, going to conferences, buying new clothes, and warm weather. I hope that I cry and I wonder when it’s going to happen, if at all.

In one way I feel like I’ve just knocked a glass off of the table and I’m trying to reach for it just before it hits the ground.

In another way I feel like I’m about to get off of the ski lift for my first time. I hope I don’t slip and stop the ski lift, embarrassing myself and knocking whoever is next to me onto the snow.  But I’ve got a feeling that I’m going to hit the snow and slide cleanly over to the first trail.

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Twitter monster

It is April 8th.  The year: 2009.

You probably know that I like projects.  Projects are excellent.  The most recent one that I’ve got myself involved in is horticulture.  Basically, I’m working on my green thumb.

I was surprised how cheap the set up can be.  Check out the one I’ve got going on….


I’m a little late in the season to start some plants from seed but it should work out pretty nicely. What I’ve got set up here is some flourescent lights.  A soft white and a cool white.

Why?  It’s actually kind of interesting.  Plants appear green when you look at them.  That’s because the light that falls within the “green” spectrum bounces off of the plant and into your eyes.  That means that plants use up the other parts of the spectrum.  In other words, blue and red.

Cool white is the blue, soft white is the red.  The plant gets what it needs with little excess wasted.  Pretty neat.

I’m taking this commercial plant propagation class that I really enjoy.  I’m learning all sorts of cool techinques: cutting, grafting, air-layering, tissue culturing…  I’d like to keep a garden from now on.  The set up I’ve got going right now was super cheap, about 30 bucks total.

I’ve been really busy, lately.  Its the end of senior year.  I’ve been doing this spine research, its pretty cool.  I’ve been using a micro CT machine to try to observe transport into the intervertebral disc.  If you are interested in the paper I wrote, you can check out the .pdf here.

So that’s been keeping me pretty busy, I’ve had to give a bunch of presentations.  But in the end I got an award for it, “The distinguished undergraduate research award”.  Not too shabby.

Speaking of shabbiness. The new wolverine origins movie was leaked.  But it wasn’t the complete version.  It was the working copy!  I didn’t know what that meant at first, then I watched it.  Basically it looks like a 10 year old made the CGI for the movie and there are no sound effects.  I’m still trying to figure out what else is wrong with it, but its pretty bad.  I only watched the first scene… I’m too excited for this movie to ruin it by watching it early.

Oh and P.S. I’m going to join you guys on twitter. My name is chedderfiend on there, whats yours?  I figure I’ll be able to update twitter more often than the blog because I always have my phone on me, y’know?

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At last

Wow I must have been asleep for a long time.  I remember going to bed and then waking up to a blog that hadn’t been updated in a long time.

That’s ludicrous. Also, if you watch the graph of the people who visit this blog… well let’s just say it has gone down.  But not as much as I might think.  People still visit, despite lack of content or anything interesting at all.

So quick recap: I find joy in lots of things now. I was just in Utah.  It’s really weird.  How, you ask? Umm… well for example, you will drive by this huuuggge building (or just a normal sized building in downtown Boston) and on the side of it in ginormous letters it says, “JESUS CHRIST of LATTER DAY SAINT…….office building”.

Oh, that’s cool. Jesus is in a meeting right now but I’m his secretary.  Sure, I’ll let jesus know you had some business to discuss.

Salt Lake City.

More recaps. I’m shopping at thrift stores all the time.  I got a sport coat/blazer whatever you wanna call it for 8 dollars.  I’ve got a collection going now and its very sweet.

Actually I’m trying to dress nicely lately.  Its tough without money, but thrift stores… I’m telling you they are gold mines. Never shop at a store again.  Go to a thrift store instead of the Gap or whereever you shop.  It’s pretty awesome.

Some of the stuff is really F’d in the A but a lot of it is excellent.

Other things? I visited my brother (the reason I went to Utah).  He has a band and its pretty sick. Tight. Dank. Those are words he uses often.  Particularly “Dank”.  The thing is, I’ve realized that “dank” means next to nothing.  I mean it basically can represent anything.  It doesn’t really describe whats good though.  You could say, “wow this lasagna is DANK” and I’ll know that you like it… but I won’t know why.  I’m going to try using more descriptive words.

It’s tough. Difficult. Challenging.

I’m reading kurt vonnegut’s ‘player piano’.  Great book. That man can write.

Keep it honest.

Part 2:

So that first post was written earlier this morning in the downstairs bathroom.  This one will be written upstairs, while I lay on my stomach and face my pillow. Face can be a verb.  It’s actually better that way.

I only have one order of business with you, but it will slowly trickle into multiple objectives. The main objective is to show you a video of one of my brother’s band’s favorite songs.  Apostrophe S. Okay the name of his band is “The Dim Spook” and I recorded this video when I visited him recently.  The song is called “Diddy kong racing”.

Sick. I actually really like the song.

Hyde you should send me that video of me birdwatching while, how do you say…. extremely excited about bird watching? That works. Very interested in the process of birdwatching.  When hyde sends it to me I’ll edit it into this post so you know what the hell I’m talking about.

Furthermore, second order of business. Roy is asking for it.  If it were 1995 I would boot you off of AIM.  If it were 1996 I would try and install a trojan in your computer, accidentally infect myself, then open up your CD rom drive after I figured out how to use the trojan.

Man, those things were awesome.  One time I ‘hacked’ into some girl’s computer and took a picture of her desktop while talking to her on AIM.  Then I sent it to her.  It was awesome.

About a year later Ronny (was that his name?) tried sending me a “RLY fun Simpsons game.exe” LOLzorz. I’m hip to your jive,  Ronny.

In middle school I remember going to his house (Ronny’s, if that’s his name).  He was very proud of the obscene amount of pornography magazines (aka porno mags) in his bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Come to think of it (no pun intended) I’m pretty sure there were porno mags in every room of that house.

I only went over once. I havent thought about it until now. I’m sharing this with the sphere.

Where did I put that book I was reading? I want to finish it.


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Random gifs

I have to admit that it’s a bit harder to find joy throughout the day lately.  That’s not to say I’m entirely depressed; I’ve experienced the end of a relationship before.  I think I’m more mature in my way of handling it by now, too.  We still speak, we still try to enjoy eachothers company.  It’s difficult in a time like this to fully accept that you still care for eachother, but the relationship you’ve come to accept as a rock in your life is changing in a significant way. I don’t know what’s going to happen between us… I’d be pretty sad if we didn’t keep some kind of relationship.  For now we are just taking some time off to sort things out.

With that I will add that it’s nice to be with myself.  It’s been a long time since I’ve allowed myself to feel lonely. I think it’s healthy.

As Vonnegut would say, “so it goes”.

Here’s an idea.  Surely you’ve heard of memes.  You know, internet memes.  Like rickrolling, star wars kid, and charlie bit my finger.  Well a lot of these memes are generated through well known internet communites like digg, reddit (what I use most), delicious, twitter, etc etc.

You’ll see people mention another community, in these sites.  They’ll say “4chan” and it almost always is regarding some mildly objectionable content.  Cruise over to 4chan.org.  They’ll be some funny stuff, some weird stuff, some awful stuff.  But no matter what, there will be stuff.  And porn, they’ll be some porn probably.

Anyway, I was cruising around this site and I found some ridiculous stuff that I’m going to share with you.  In the animated gif section.  Keep in mind, 4chan is by no means an ‘organized’ site.  It’s random, very random. Things have no explanation.

In fact… let’s make it a top ten. Actually, a top nine (cause some are too graphic to put on here). Let’s make it all official-like, too.  I’m not going to comment on them because they should be delivered to you almost exactly as they were delivered to me.  Without context.

Top 9 Random 4chan gifs



















Hahaha. WTF?

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Welcome to the video blog, bitches

Yesterday was a really fun day.  Half way through yesterday, I bought something I’ve been wanting for a little while.  It’s the flip. A simple, compact, awesome camera.  I can be up and shooting within like 4 seconds.

Anyway, I recorded lots of things yesterday.  I missed out on a few really neat things that happened earlier and I left out a few videos that are too personal for me to share with the world.  But I shared enough of them for you to enjoy yourselves probably.

Expect more videos outta this guy. Outta this blog. ’cause now my right pocket is dedicated to the flip.

Let’s start with the very first video, the maiden voyage. Featuring my good friend peter.

We were on our way back home after spending most of the day walking around church st (it’s winter fest, so there were people carving ice sculptures, hoola hoopers, and other entertainment on the street). Unfortunately I got the flip after spending the day on church st. Anyway, we went home and played some tiger woods for the wii, here is me setting up the wii and us lounging a bit.

“the fish” is this god awful ice sculpture some guy was doing.  I’m telling you, it was awful. most ice sculptors were really talented, making somewhat elaborate sculptures very meticulously.  The fish was absolutely horrendous, done by some 25 yr old kid who had no idea what he was doing.  I think he must have lost a bet or something.  It was pretty funny though.

So later we went to this place called rueben james or “rj’s”.  Free wings on friday and saturday.  So we had some free wings.  My friend patrick is the cook so he made us one batch of super hot wings.  Peter and I had them… observe.

Oh right, then a little bit later I introduce myself to the camera.  Start our relationship off on the right foot, y’know?

Lots of other stuff happened but I’m not uploading those clips.  Eventually I ended up at this place above nectars (in burlington, vt) called club metronome.  Saw some friends and danced with them.

Just some good honest fun.  That might have been painful to watch but to be honest I don’t really care.  It was a jolly time.

Which leads me to my next video. The musical stylings of the psychadelic condom.  Most condoms are born for sex.  Some condoms have other plans for their life.

He had big dreams. High hopes. A soul that wouldn’t stop, wouldn’t rest. He just wanted to dance. And dance he did.

And finally, john dennison, malcolm thayer dennison, and some other dude from union attacked peters house at around 4am.

it was the perfect snowball snow, with plenty of ammo all around.  They threw those things really hard too.  Broke the screen right off the window.

Anyway there are other videos and maybe I’ll share them. But this is the first of many posts.  There shall be more!


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Organic Chemistry: Diels-Alder reaction


So today I thought I’d try something new.  I stumbled across some of my old lab notebooks and they were pretty cool.  I scanned them yesterday.


I figure I’ll put them on my blog for you guys (and whoever searches for chemistry stuff) to check out.  If I get some positive feedback, I’ll probably upload more.  We’ll see where it goes… for now I’ll just upload one lab ‘report’.

As you can see, I like drawing stuff… particularly whatever it is that I’m learning about.  Chemistry was pretty fun that way.  So were some of my other classes.

Without further adou, the first installment of organic chemistry lab. The “Diels-Alder reaction”




Well that’s it for the first installment.  Hope you enjoyed it or at least were somewhat intrigued by the jargon.

Also, I read spike’s blog from india the other day.  Good stuff man, good stuff.


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But you have to call me dragon

Yeah yeah yeah! How are my little girls and boys tonight? That’s pretty nice. I’m glad to hear you are alright.

I’m feeling pretty good. Watch this. It does an excellent job explaining exactly how i feel.

“I’m derrreeeekkk, and I can highh like thiiisssss, and I can sing hhhhIIIIiigghh”.  So anyway, things are going well over on my end.  My research is really starting to click, I love my architecture CAD class, my room is super clean, and I’m feeling healthy.

Can’t ask for much more than that.

Except maybe a funny clip.  You can always ask for a funny youtube video. And lucky you….you’re going to get it.

Watch that one twice. It’s way better the second time around.

Speaking of which, you know what else is much much better the second time around? Slumdog millionaire.  Great movie. Excellent movie.  There was so much to like.  I even really liked the dance scene during the credits, which some people are critical about.

I liked it.  And the movie was better the second time around, I caught things that I hadn’t noticed before. The relationships between the characters expose themselves very early on in ways that I had overlooked the first pass through.

I’ve started keeping a wooden box near the door to my room.  I put my pockets in there. What do I keep in my pockets?

  • Pen – micron (its a sweet artists pen but it writes so well its the only thing I use)
  • Cell phone (doesn’t go in the box but sometimes flirts in the area)
  • Knife
  • wallet
  • keys
  • car key

Pretty laid back pockets.   Change goes into the change cup.  I raid it sometimes when I pre-meditate a vending machine trip or something else of a known quantity under 3 dollars.

American change really needs to get on the ball.  Ditch the penny and the dollar bill.  I want $1 and $2 coins, damnit.

Oh, you guys will probably like this.  Check it out.  It’s kind of nerdy but, lets be serious, you are reading a blog right now (so you’ve come to accept the nerd within you)

Pretty inventive gizmo he created.  I like how he begs developers to use the software at the end.  I stumbled across that video from this blog, Giantmonster.  It’s got some good stuff on it… unfortunately he hasn’t updated in a little while.

So I’ve got some good news!  I found some old organic chemistry lab notebooks with some pretty sweet illustrations in them.  I’m going to upload them tomorrow.  I think you guys will really like them. I carried them in my backpack all day but didn’t approach a scanner.  Tomorrow I will cross paths with the scanning one and I will conquer it.

-session terminiated-

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Has CHANGE come to America?

I’ve always been a fan of Barack Obama.  This is due, in part, to his incredible rhetoric.  The man is a great speaker.  He is calm, cool, and appears to be the kind of person that I would want to ask advise of. He is a politician, though. Aren’t  politicians supposed to appear that way?

When his campaign boasted “CHANGE” on every poster, button, and bumper sticker from here to the west coast, I thought of it as little more than a gimmick.  Sure, there would be some truth to it: the Bush administration was leaving.  That was undeniable change.  But would there be any real change?  Was “CHANGE” just catchy phrase to win votes and play off of the hopes of those who would believe it?

Possibly. There was hope, at least. It might have been just a glimmer of hope in the catacombs of my mind to begin with, but it has been resonating over the past month or so.

The Mayan calendar is ending on Dec 21, 2012.  I don’t necessarily believe that means the world is ending in Dec. 2012.  In fact, I adamantly disagree with that. But with the conflict (to the say the least) in the Gaza strip, the world in an economic freefall, and global climate change promising to be a serious issue… it seems like humanity has both the technology and the stupidity to wipe itself out.  I did’t think Obama was going to fix all of this, nor did he ever say he would.  Much of the muslim world readily demonizes America and its ambitions. But there was that shadow of hope, and there still is, that this would be changed.

I’m writing this because I mentioned it briefly, in my last post, and it deserves explicit attention. I’m writing this to validate that hope I felt and express my appreciation for what I’ve been seeing lately. I’ve been following our president and his administration very closely since he’s been sworn into office.  I watch the news every night and every morning.  Whenever I can grab a minute, I like to see what’s happening.

The stakes couldn’t be higher.  Yesterday over 70,000 jobs were lost.  This is all happening right now.

Yesterday, Barack Obama gave his first televised interview.  This, by many accounts, is an important, “get”. He spoke directly to the muslim world.

From the video:

Now, my job is to communicate the fact that the United States has a stake in the well-being of the Muslim world, that the language we use has to be a language of respect. I have Muslim members of my family. I have lived in Muslim countries … the largest one, Indonesia. And so what I want to communicate is the fact that in all my travels throughout the Muslim world, what I’ve come to understand is that regardless of your faith – and America is a country of Muslims, Jews, Christians, non-believers – regardless of your faith, people all have certain common hopes and common dreams.

And my job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives. My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy.

From CNN today:

You know what the BIG change was? Think about a President of the United States reaching out to muslims around the world, almost competing with Osama bin Laden, saying, ‘you shouldn’t see us as the enemy’.  That’s change. Especially when you consider the last eight years in this country.  That’s change, in this case.

Saying to his envoy, George Mitchell, ‘I want you to go over there and tell them that you’re willing to listen to them as opposed to tell them what to do”. That’s change

Maybe Obama meant it when he branded his campaign with the, “CHANGE” message.

And from the daily dish,

And, of course, it begs the question. Is he serious? Is this a huge hinge of history – or just a rebranding of an old policy with the old interests at play? And the truth is: we cannot know. The odds are against him. Israel seems to be entering a period of a defensive crouch so intense it will spurn all efforts to save it; the Arab regimes are as potentially threatened by Obama’s opening as anyone; Hamas and Iran and Hezbollah and al Qaeda are temporarily flummoxed but will be eager to foil any grand bargain.

My sense, for what it’s worth, is that Obama is genuine. He doesn’t know whether this bold new play will pay dividends any more than we do. What he does know, I think, is that we have no choice. The trajectory of the current global conflict, centered on the question of Islam and modernity, is an apocalyptic one if the game isn’t changed soon. He is attempting to change the game. Which led me to my second reaction.


On top of this, Obama has kept to his word regarding bipartisan efforts to develop an economic stimulus package.  Today he met with the house republicans to discuss their dissentions with the plan as it stands today.

Barack Obama told citigroup today that it was “unacceptable” for them to purchase the 50 million dollar corporate jet.  He believes it’s unacceptable because that is taxpayers’ money. CNN: “There’s a new cheriff in town”.

I don’t know what is going to happen, but I like what’s happening so far.  The house republicans who met with the president today said, “[we] sincerely appreciate the president coming and meeting with us.  We are inspired and challenged to work harder”.

Granted they didn’t agree.. they are speaking and communicating.  There has been change and its happening right now.

If the past 8 days have been any representation of the way things are going to be, I’m excited for our future.

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The post that got cut short because my landlord is inconsiderate

Rub my hands together really fast and eventually they’ll be hot and I’ll gather dead skin cells between them. Dispose of the exterior; welcome the interior with open palms.

Speaking of open palms. Barack Obama was recently welcomed into the United States most exclusive clubs. We all remember where we were when we watched his inauguration.  I’ve been watching CNN every morning and every night since Tuesday. Gotta follow the new guy, see what he’s up to. I’ll tell you what, I’m impressed so far.

I’m not going to tell you all the things he’s done since he’s been in office, you probably know.  But I will tell you a few neat things.

For starters, he is trying to usher in a new era of government transparency. I agree. Especially considering the last administration’s sneaky games. But seriously, check out whitehouse.gov, it’s pretty awesome. In his first weekly address, the president brought up a new plan he has.  “We’ll launch an unprecedented effort to root out waste, inefficiency, and unnecessary spending in our government, and every American will be able to see how and where we spend taxpayer dollars by going to a new website called recovery.gov.” Pretty awesome.  I’m excited.

I watched some clips of his first flight on Air Force one.  He ordered a cheeseburger with “lettuce, tomato” and some dijon. Why no onions, Mr. President? We’ll see. He got fries as well.


Did you know they keep two bottles of the President’s blood in Cadillac one a.k.a. “the beast”.  Pretty rad.

Have you looked at videos of Bush’s inauguration?  It was a very different scene than this President’s. Check it out.

Not quite the same scene.

Enough about politics though, I could go on and on.

Have you ever read the ingredients in a slim jim?  Well one of the ingredients, the first ingredient, is “mechanically separated chicken”.  Would you like to see what, exactly, mechanically separated chicken is? Observe.


It’s also in chicken nuggets. Who woulda thought! It’s mostly skin and bone stuffs from chicken. Kinda looks like bubble gum or taffy.  …It’s not.

So chris schleicher was on jeopardy (Hyde, 2009). I didn’t watch it. But I do have a video response.  Or rather, I’d like to respond with a video that will make you cringe in disbelief. You might even say OMG LOLz.

Come on!

Oh and you should look forward to a post coming up that explains in detail how to perform a rat tail vein injection.  We had to perform a tail vein injection for my research but there is basically no information online about how to do it, and we had a lot of trouble.  I eventually dissected a rat tail and took a look inside to see what the best way would be to approach it.  It helped out a lot.

Oh oh! I can’t believe I didn’t mention this earlier. I have the most kickass schedule this semester and I’m taking an AWESOME class. Seriously. It’s an architecture course where I use CAD software to design houses and so on.  The software is called archiCAD and I’m really pumped.  My teacher is a Vermont architect and encourages the class to just play around with the software.  Which is right up my alley.  The first assignment was to write your name using the wall tool.  Check it out below (I made a house around it, playing around with the software).


Fun stuff.

You know what show you should check out? The soup.  I don’t watch many TV shows, except CNN and stuff like that.  But I have the soup recording.  It comes out once a week and the host is really funny.  He makes fun of all those stupid talk shows, reality shows, and wahtever else shows that I don’t watch.  But the clips he plays are really funny, let me see if I can find a clip on youtubezorz.

And one more, because you probably enjoyed that. And you can’t have one without the….. other.

Okay there are people walking through my house now getting shown stuff.  So i’m cutting this short.  Talk to you later, kbye!

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