Archive for Cool videos

Random gifs

I have to admit that it’s a bit harder to find joy throughout the day lately.  That’s not to say I’m entirely depressed; I’ve experienced the end of a relationship before.  I think I’m more mature in my way of handling it by now, too.  We still speak, we still try to enjoy eachothers company.  It’s difficult in a time like this to fully accept that you still care for eachother, but the relationship you’ve come to accept as a rock in your life is changing in a significant way. I don’t know what’s going to happen between us… I’d be pretty sad if we didn’t keep some kind of relationship.  For now we are just taking some time off to sort things out.

With that I will add that it’s nice to be with myself.  It’s been a long time since I’ve allowed myself to feel lonely. I think it’s healthy.

As Vonnegut would say, “so it goes”.

Here’s an idea.  Surely you’ve heard of memes.  You know, internet memes.  Like rickrolling, star wars kid, and charlie bit my finger.  Well a lot of these memes are generated through well known internet communites like digg, reddit (what I use most), delicious, twitter, etc etc.

You’ll see people mention another community, in these sites.  They’ll say “4chan” and it almost always is regarding some mildly objectionable content.  Cruise over to  They’ll be some funny stuff, some weird stuff, some awful stuff.  But no matter what, there will be stuff.  And porn, they’ll be some porn probably.

Anyway, I was cruising around this site and I found some ridiculous stuff that I’m going to share with you.  In the animated gif section.  Keep in mind, 4chan is by no means an ‘organized’ site.  It’s random, very random. Things have no explanation.

In fact… let’s make it a top ten. Actually, a top nine (cause some are too graphic to put on here). Let’s make it all official-like, too.  I’m not going to comment on them because they should be delivered to you almost exactly as they were delivered to me.  Without context.

Top 9 Random 4chan gifs



















Hahaha. WTF?

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But you have to call me dragon

Yeah yeah yeah! How are my little girls and boys tonight? That’s pretty nice. I’m glad to hear you are alright.

I’m feeling pretty good. Watch this. It does an excellent job explaining exactly how i feel.

“I’m derrreeeekkk, and I can highh like thiiisssss, and I can sing hhhhIIIIiigghh”.  So anyway, things are going well over on my end.  My research is really starting to click, I love my architecture CAD class, my room is super clean, and I’m feeling healthy.

Can’t ask for much more than that.

Except maybe a funny clip.  You can always ask for a funny youtube video. And lucky you….you’re going to get it.

Watch that one twice. It’s way better the second time around.

Speaking of which, you know what else is much much better the second time around? Slumdog millionaire.  Great movie. Excellent movie.  There was so much to like.  I even really liked the dance scene during the credits, which some people are critical about.

I liked it.  And the movie was better the second time around, I caught things that I hadn’t noticed before. The relationships between the characters expose themselves very early on in ways that I had overlooked the first pass through.

I’ve started keeping a wooden box near the door to my room.  I put my pockets in there. What do I keep in my pockets?

  • Pen – micron (its a sweet artists pen but it writes so well its the only thing I use)
  • Cell phone (doesn’t go in the box but sometimes flirts in the area)
  • Knife
  • wallet
  • keys
  • car key

Pretty laid back pockets.   Change goes into the change cup.  I raid it sometimes when I pre-meditate a vending machine trip or something else of a known quantity under 3 dollars.

American change really needs to get on the ball.  Ditch the penny and the dollar bill.  I want $1 and $2 coins, damnit.

Oh, you guys will probably like this.  Check it out.  It’s kind of nerdy but, lets be serious, you are reading a blog right now (so you’ve come to accept the nerd within you)

Pretty inventive gizmo he created.  I like how he begs developers to use the software at the end.  I stumbled across that video from this blog, Giantmonster.  It’s got some good stuff on it… unfortunately he hasn’t updated in a little while.

So I’ve got some good news!  I found some old organic chemistry lab notebooks with some pretty sweet illustrations in them.  I’m going to upload them tomorrow.  I think you guys will really like them. I carried them in my backpack all day but didn’t approach a scanner.  Tomorrow I will cross paths with the scanning one and I will conquer it.

-session terminiated-

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The post that got cut short because my landlord is inconsiderate

Rub my hands together really fast and eventually they’ll be hot and I’ll gather dead skin cells between them. Dispose of the exterior; welcome the interior with open palms.

Speaking of open palms. Barack Obama was recently welcomed into the United States most exclusive clubs. We all remember where we were when we watched his inauguration.  I’ve been watching CNN every morning and every night since Tuesday. Gotta follow the new guy, see what he’s up to. I’ll tell you what, I’m impressed so far.

I’m not going to tell you all the things he’s done since he’s been in office, you probably know.  But I will tell you a few neat things.

For starters, he is trying to usher in a new era of government transparency. I agree. Especially considering the last administration’s sneaky games. But seriously, check out, it’s pretty awesome. In his first weekly address, the president brought up a new plan he has.  “We’ll launch an unprecedented effort to root out waste, inefficiency, and unnecessary spending in our government, and every American will be able to see how and where we spend taxpayer dollars by going to a new website called” Pretty awesome.  I’m excited.

I watched some clips of his first flight on Air Force one.  He ordered a cheeseburger with “lettuce, tomato” and some dijon. Why no onions, Mr. President? We’ll see. He got fries as well.


Did you know they keep two bottles of the President’s blood in Cadillac one a.k.a. “the beast”.  Pretty rad.

Have you looked at videos of Bush’s inauguration?  It was a very different scene than this President’s. Check it out.

Not quite the same scene.

Enough about politics though, I could go on and on.

Have you ever read the ingredients in a slim jim?  Well one of the ingredients, the first ingredient, is “mechanically separated chicken”.  Would you like to see what, exactly, mechanically separated chicken is? Observe.


It’s also in chicken nuggets. Who woulda thought! It’s mostly skin and bone stuffs from chicken. Kinda looks like bubble gum or taffy.  …It’s not.

So chris schleicher was on jeopardy (Hyde, 2009). I didn’t watch it. But I do have a video response.  Or rather, I’d like to respond with a video that will make you cringe in disbelief. You might even say OMG LOLz.

Come on!

Oh and you should look forward to a post coming up that explains in detail how to perform a rat tail vein injection.  We had to perform a tail vein injection for my research but there is basically no information online about how to do it, and we had a lot of trouble.  I eventually dissected a rat tail and took a look inside to see what the best way would be to approach it.  It helped out a lot.

Oh oh! I can’t believe I didn’t mention this earlier. I have the most kickass schedule this semester and I’m taking an AWESOME class. Seriously. It’s an architecture course where I use CAD software to design houses and so on.  The software is called archiCAD and I’m really pumped.  My teacher is a Vermont architect and encourages the class to just play around with the software.  Which is right up my alley.  The first assignment was to write your name using the wall tool.  Check it out below (I made a house around it, playing around with the software).


Fun stuff.

You know what show you should check out? The soup.  I don’t watch many TV shows, except CNN and stuff like that.  But I have the soup recording.  It comes out once a week and the host is really funny.  He makes fun of all those stupid talk shows, reality shows, and wahtever else shows that I don’t watch.  But the clips he plays are really funny, let me see if I can find a clip on youtubezorz.

And one more, because you probably enjoyed that. And you can’t have one without the….. other.

Okay there are people walking through my house now getting shown stuff.  So i’m cutting this short.  Talk to you later, kbye!

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Rain blog

Hey team.

My christmas present to you is a few pictures I like.




I hope you guys had a merry merry christmas. Mine was pretty great. ‘Twas the first times i spent christmas without any family members, though.

So here’s what I did. I spent christmas in beautiful vermont right around killington. I was with Shane’s family. there was a lot of snow, so much heavy snow that I built an igloo around a fire. well, i guess it wasnt techinically an igloo because there was no roof, but i did cut bricks out of snow using this old tree cutting saw taht doug (shane’s stepdad) found in the woods.

I also shot this rifle that doug had built with his friend. he’s pretty much a mountain man… always has a gun by his side. This is a picture of the gun he keeps by his side, PS. It’s called ‘the judge’ (it’s written on the side of it)


That thing shoots shotgun shells, too! Anyway the gun he built with his friend is a replica of a Hawken .50 cal from 1840. That’s the kind of rifle you need to fill up with black powder and pack a led ball into it… old school style. They built it using only the techniques they would have had available to them in 1850.

So i shot that thing and it kicked a lot of ass. Shot a diesel lead ball.

But that was christmas, let’s talk about something else. Specifcally, let’s talk about Terminator.

Have you heard of the new Terminator? Let’s just say its going to be way more badass than the last sequel. remember the beginning of terminator 2? It was like this awesome battle between humans and robots in the future?

The whole movie is going to take place during that war! So sweet. Plus I think its going to have christian Bale as john connor. So that’ll be sweet.

Which reminds me, have you heard of “sweded” movies? Let me explain if you haven’t.

Sweded movies are movies made by complete amatuers, using the most simple of props they can find (because they are operating on a budget that is like… I dont know, 20 dollars or something) and they try to remake classic movies.

The Terminator 2 one is really funny. Terminator 2: Low Budgement Day

Hahah the guy who plays sarah connor is so funny.

Also, Jurassic park is worth checking out.

Alright, well that’s it for today’s episode. I’m really sorry my friend pete is a deusche bag. I’ll try and get him to blog and when he does… I’ll let you know about it. And if you comment on his blog he’ll definitely blog more often cause he’s on the computer a lot, has a lot to say, but needs the confidence boost of some comments to keep his spirits up.

With that said, Dave hyde nabbed a picture of my christmas cookies off of facebook and put it on his blog! Get him!

Happy holidays everyone.

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Face spam

Hello friends and colleagues. Let’s not discuss how long its been.


Today marks the first day of the end of the first semester of the last year. You follow that? What I mean is that I handed in a final paper, tomorrow is the last day of classes, and I only have two exams until this semester is over.

Senior year, semester 1…. coming to an end. Now the future looms like some kind of predator with dynamic camouflage and I can’t help but notice three red dots on my chest.

Where am I going? What will I do? We’ll leave those subjects aside and we’ll talk about whats happening right now.

Well for one, I finally painted. For the first time in my life I painted a picture on a big canvas and it was a lot of fun. It was kind of relaxing, theraputic, cleansing, and rewarding. See I took this theater class this semester… for most of the semester I helped build the sets for the plays, but towards the end I’ve just been painting. I took to it like some kind of animal that takes to things pretty well.

Here’s a picture of the picture I painted of a picture I found online. Picture.


Right now I’m in a coffee shop, blogging. I don’t have anything specific I’d like to talk about and I’m not going to tell you what I’ve been doing. But I will tell you that I’ve had a lot of trouble injecting stuff into rats, except for today when I finally succeeded. It was a bloody victory.

You know what a really funny show is? The soup. I don’t watch reality tv or any of the shows they talk about, but they make fun of things really well on the Soup. I bet you’ll laugh once or twice. And that’s all you can really ask for.

With that said, I’m going to take you along with me as I travel the interwebs. Please keep your extremities within the vehicular at all times or else you will automatically be removed from this blog and sent somewhere terrible.

Oh by the way last night when I was writing my paper I was also eating lasagna. In all of my haste I somehow managed to splatter sauce on my glasses (which I didn’t notice until it hardened) and ate an entire loaf of bread. I’m surprised I haven’t purged myself of any of the aforementioned fiendery yet. Let’s hope things work out.

I’m not taking you with me on my internet travels yet. I want to tell you how awful my trip was back from North Carolina after thanksgiving. So I spent something like 4 days sleeping in the same bed as my brother. Dave, my brother, was sick the whole time and it was only really bad the night before I had to wake up and fly home. It was really bad that night. You know how I know? Becuase he puked all night. I eventually decided to sleep on the floor, wake up, and pound orange juice and water until I felt like my immune system was chill.

Driving to the airport I realized it wasn’t. So did the side of the road, because it was coated in mildly digested orange juice. In terms of euphamisms, let’s just say my funds were liquid. And the market was crashing. I squelched a few throw up attempts and used the airplanes restrooms more times than anyone would like to. I had a connecting flight. When I eventually got home, I slept under my blankets with my coat on. It sucked. The next day I drove back to school and wrote a paper for class. Win.

But now its all celebration, or anticipation of celebration. For one, you are still reading this. For two, I’m still writing this. And for three, I pretty much don’t have anything to do tonight. Huzzah!

I’m going to continue painting though, for sure. I want to paint this picture. You may recognize it. If you don’t, you should really get on my level.


Which brings me to this. Are you hungry? Watch the food network for some delicious (and healthy!) snacks like this one.

mmmmm, cheeseburger, egg, bacon, donuts. Fucking gross.

You know what else kind of blows my mind? People are obsessed with finding life on mars. I mean, its super cool and all that for many reasons, but some people are more interested in seeing a tiny maybe-bacteria fossil that might not be anything when there is some truly alien shit going on right here.

For example (of course I’m going to give you an example), look how ridiculous this looks. These things are aliens. They are absurd. Just look!

Those crazy things.

Alright, lets hope for my sake, your sake, and for the sake of everyone who ever lived (did you know that there are as many people alive right now than there ever were alive, ever?)(did you also know that I just looked up the validity of that statement and its completely false? sick.)

Cheers people, now I need to go back and insert pictures.

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Not a post

This isn’t a post. But you have to see this. I missed it because of clouds.

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Stop being feeble

Everyone should look at Dave Hyde as a beacon of righteousness. I’m referring to his linkage, only. Maybe his linkage and his ability and steadfast dedication to a daily banana ” as of 11:36am, i still need to eat my morning banana”. What I mean by linkage is the fact that when you click on my blog from his blog, it takes you here. Where? To my blog. Not to my old blog.

There-in-lies the problem. Roy, Matt, and Jeff/meff… seriously change the link so that it points here. Or else I’ll point there. And you don’t want that. I’m a lot like george washington (see below)

Ok so this is just a quick post. Class starts pretty soon and I need to get there. Tomorrow is valentines day. Also, the movie “jumpr” comes out. It looks pretty damn cool. Also that chick flick comes out, with the van wilder dude. To be honest I’ll probably see it. Oh, and my mom is coming up. So that’ll be nice.

But I need to order plane tickets to spain… I’m going to ask my teachers if the friday before spring break is super important, becuase I think i’ll try to take the red eye on thursday night. get there friday afternoon ish. I’ll try and sleep accordingly but I might just need to suck it up. Have long siestas.

How long can you go without having laundry? To be honest the only things that are really, truly suffering from the lack of clothes are my feet. Every morning I need to hunt for socks, smelling socks all over seeing if they make the grade.

Ew, I’m not going to continue talking about that because something gross just happened.

Remember I said I’m sick. Well I am. So I will cough and there will be shit that I cough up sometimes. Flem, mucous, whatever it is when I spit it into the sink, water can’t break it apart. You know the stuff. The good stuff. Well I just coughed unexpectedly and I didn’t see where it went. That mucous. I know the direction I coughed in and I’m pretty sure some shit flew out of my mouth at great speed. But I don’t know where it went. What’s worse is that I coughed in the direction of the couch. So uhh… yeah thats pretty gross.

I’m real happy that someone is finally causing problems for scientology… but you know what, I’m actually not that happy. Well, more accurately.. I just don’t care. Good for you anonymous. Congrats to everyone walking in the streets with anti-scientology signs. Maybe I’m a jerk. But I just don’t care. Apparently the people at care a lot. You know what. I need a new website.

I’m starting to disagree with digg. Dave Hyde, yes, you. I know you are reading this. Write a comment that has a new site for me to go to. Not a music site. Thanks.

Alright people, I’m going to class.

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I have a friend. She is a girl. She is a girly girl. That means that her room is super clean, her bed is always made, and she has more smelly stuff than anyone I know.

Her name is Avery and she probably has more candles than I have pairs of socks. She probably has a plug in smell thing. She definitely has lavender oil that she puts onto her bed and sheets to make her stuff smell girly. And the story begins.

It’s not much of a story so don’t get your hopes up. But it happened and it affected my life.

I have another friend. He’s a guy. he’s a guy’s guy. He has power tools, loves sports, and has more beers in his fridge on any given day than I have pairs of socks. Stop wondering how many pairs of socks I have, I don’t have that many. Plus a lot are mismatched. …I digress.

A friend of mine (different guy) was “with” the girly girl and eventually decided it had to end because she brought lavender oil and put it on his bed. That is just crossing the line. So my guy’s guy friend and I were over the girly girls house and we are in her room. It smells like uber girl. I find the lavender oil, give her some shit, and then somehow patrick (guys guy) decides its time to pour it everywhere.

We get in a lavender oil fight. It gets all over the room. Its a little tinted bottle with like, lavender extract. It smells like 10 of those awful candle stores in the mall in a small bottle. And its everywhere. I smell awful. The whole room needs to be evacuated.

Fast forward to last weekend. I see the lavender bottle, I devise a plan. I take the eyedropper concentrated smell dispenser out of the bottle and hide the bottle. The perfect crime. I sneak up behind patrick (guys guy) who is sitting down in the room and i squirt it on the back of his neck, all over his shirt. Perfect. he fights, he resists. avery (girls girl) screams “not again!”. I figure I got away with it.

Wrong. She had MULTIPLE bottles of different varieties. It was a red herring. Patrick grabbed bottle #2 after I thoght I had premeditated and planned this out perfectly. I had my jacket on, a down feather jacket. The bottle was empty by the end of the struggle.

My jacket still smells.

Moral of the story. Never purchase anything that smells of lavender. You might just end up smelling like lavender.

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