Welcome to the video blog, bitches

Yesterday was a really fun day.  Half way through yesterday, I bought something I’ve been wanting for a little while.  It’s the flip. A simple, compact, awesome camera.  I can be up and shooting within like 4 seconds.

Anyway, I recorded lots of things yesterday.  I missed out on a few really neat things that happened earlier and I left out a few videos that are too personal for me to share with the world.  But I shared enough of them for you to enjoy yourselves probably.

Expect more videos outta this guy. Outta this blog. ’cause now my right pocket is dedicated to the flip.

Let’s start with the very first video, the maiden voyage. Featuring my good friend peter.

We were on our way back home after spending most of the day walking around church st (it’s winter fest, so there were people carving ice sculptures, hoola hoopers, and other entertainment on the street). Unfortunately I got the flip after spending the day on church st. Anyway, we went home and played some tiger woods for the wii, here is me setting up the wii and us lounging a bit.

“the fish” is this god awful ice sculpture some guy was doing.  I’m telling you, it was awful. most ice sculptors were really talented, making somewhat elaborate sculptures very meticulously.  The fish was absolutely horrendous, done by some 25 yr old kid who had no idea what he was doing.  I think he must have lost a bet or something.  It was pretty funny though.

So later we went to this place called rueben james or “rj’s”.  Free wings on friday and saturday.  So we had some free wings.  My friend patrick is the cook so he made us one batch of super hot wings.  Peter and I had them… observe.

Oh right, then a little bit later I introduce myself to the camera.  Start our relationship off on the right foot, y’know?

Lots of other stuff happened but I’m not uploading those clips.  Eventually I ended up at this place above nectars (in burlington, vt) called club metronome.  Saw some friends and danced with them.

Just some good honest fun.  That might have been painful to watch but to be honest I don’t really care.  It was a jolly time.

Which leads me to my next video. The musical stylings of the psychadelic condom.  Most condoms are born for sex.  Some condoms have other plans for their life.

He had big dreams. High hopes. A soul that wouldn’t stop, wouldn’t rest. He just wanted to dance. And dance he did.

And finally, john dennison, malcolm thayer dennison, and some other dude from union attacked peters house at around 4am.

it was the perfect snowball snow, with plenty of ammo all around.  They threw those things really hard too.  Broke the screen right off the window.

Anyway there are other videos and maybe I’ll share them. But this is the first of many posts.  There shall be more!


4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    hyde said,

    nice, looking forward to more, who was other union dude? remember to always try and hold the camera steady! except when you’re not (moving, panning, haha)

  2. 2

    Katie said,

    “i hid a bag of beer next to the fridge, i’d call it prudence” best post yet

  3. 3

    Roy said,

    I want my money back… these are the worst viral videos ever.

  4. 4

    dave said,

    lol, this post was awesome, i can’t wait to see more movies! vlogging hard…

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