The post that got cut short because my landlord is inconsiderate

Rub my hands together really fast and eventually they’ll be hot and I’ll gather dead skin cells between them. Dispose of the exterior; welcome the interior with open palms.

Speaking of open palms. Barack Obama was recently welcomed into the United States most exclusive clubs. We all remember where we were when we watched his inauguration.  I’ve been watching CNN every morning and every night since Tuesday. Gotta follow the new guy, see what he’s up to. I’ll tell you what, I’m impressed so far.

I’m not going to tell you all the things he’s done since he’s been in office, you probably know.  But I will tell you a few neat things.

For starters, he is trying to usher in a new era of government transparency. I agree. Especially considering the last administration’s sneaky games. But seriously, check out, it’s pretty awesome. In his first weekly address, the president brought up a new plan he has.  “We’ll launch an unprecedented effort to root out waste, inefficiency, and unnecessary spending in our government, and every American will be able to see how and where we spend taxpayer dollars by going to a new website called” Pretty awesome.  I’m excited.

I watched some clips of his first flight on Air Force one.  He ordered a cheeseburger with “lettuce, tomato” and some dijon. Why no onions, Mr. President? We’ll see. He got fries as well.


Did you know they keep two bottles of the President’s blood in Cadillac one a.k.a. “the beast”.  Pretty rad.

Have you looked at videos of Bush’s inauguration?  It was a very different scene than this President’s. Check it out.

Not quite the same scene.

Enough about politics though, I could go on and on.

Have you ever read the ingredients in a slim jim?  Well one of the ingredients, the first ingredient, is “mechanically separated chicken”.  Would you like to see what, exactly, mechanically separated chicken is? Observe.


It’s also in chicken nuggets. Who woulda thought! It’s mostly skin and bone stuffs from chicken. Kinda looks like bubble gum or taffy.  …It’s not.

So chris schleicher was on jeopardy (Hyde, 2009). I didn’t watch it. But I do have a video response.  Or rather, I’d like to respond with a video that will make you cringe in disbelief. You might even say OMG LOLz.

Come on!

Oh and you should look forward to a post coming up that explains in detail how to perform a rat tail vein injection.  We had to perform a tail vein injection for my research but there is basically no information online about how to do it, and we had a lot of trouble.  I eventually dissected a rat tail and took a look inside to see what the best way would be to approach it.  It helped out a lot.

Oh oh! I can’t believe I didn’t mention this earlier. I have the most kickass schedule this semester and I’m taking an AWESOME class. Seriously. It’s an architecture course where I use CAD software to design houses and so on.  The software is called archiCAD and I’m really pumped.  My teacher is a Vermont architect and encourages the class to just play around with the software.  Which is right up my alley.  The first assignment was to write your name using the wall tool.  Check it out below (I made a house around it, playing around with the software).


Fun stuff.

You know what show you should check out? The soup.  I don’t watch many TV shows, except CNN and stuff like that.  But I have the soup recording.  It comes out once a week and the host is really funny.  He makes fun of all those stupid talk shows, reality shows, and wahtever else shows that I don’t watch.  But the clips he plays are really funny, let me see if I can find a clip on youtubezorz.

And one more, because you probably enjoyed that. And you can’t have one without the….. other.

Okay there are people walking through my house now getting shown stuff.  So i’m cutting this short.  Talk to you later, kbye!

3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    jeff said,

    hah dude awesome, too much to say, i figured you’d get amped and blog after commenting on mine, loved the hyde citation

  2. 2

    mgmurray said,

    the still in the video of the bush inauguration of the rioter getting dragged away looks like a break dancer.

  3. 3

    dave said,

    i love the soup! did you use to watch when jim henson was on it? he ruled

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