A really fun prank

Try this one out.  I swear it works, I’ve done it twice. It’s really rewarding, too.

Ok, this prank works anywhere, but the best place to do it is at a party (not a RAGER, but a party… where people can hear eachother speak).  You need to be a convincing actor though.  Or actress.

So heres how it works. You know how you go through your phone’s ringtones and they play when they are selected?  Well go to that screen when you are behind people.  When I did it, there were like 4 people sitting on a couch and I was behind them.  Choose one person, this is the person you are going to make look really stupid (let’s call her steph).

Then go through your ringtones and have one play.  This is where you need to act like your phone is ringing (not hard, nobody is paying attention to you anyway, but they hear the ring). Now grab something about the size of a phone.  I grabbed a sweet potato, for example.

Now have a fake conversation.  Start off just talking about where you are. “hello?  heyy whats up man. [pause] yea yeah…. i’m just chilling at my friend john’s house.  Yeah its pretty sweet [pause] … ummm, i dunno, probably just hanging out, what about you?…. cool”.

TIP: Pause often and say filler stuff like, “uh huh…”  “yea, i know”

TIP: Ask questions.  “What are you doing?”  “are you going to be hanging out there all night”

Just let hte fake conversation flow for about 20 seconds or so and then say the persons name with a big question mark.  “Steph???  Yeah I think shes here”  Then look around and be like, “Yeah… yeah shes right here why whats up?”

This is where it gets good.  Keep your sweet potato out of view and just ham it up.  Put your finger up to steph, giving her the ‘hold on, just one second, be patient’ kind of look/attitude. The key here is to make sure you aren’t paying attention to steph, you are on the phone, having a conversation… she brings herself in, if you try to get her attention blatantly, or look at her too much… she’ll probably catch on. She should be focused on you… wanting the phone and wanting to know what the person wants.  So let it build for about 10 seconds or so.

“yeah shes right here…. wow really?  …. yeah….  uh huh…   well do you want to talk to her?” then, if you did it right, she should have her hand extended, ready to talk on the phone. Hand her the sweet potato and keep eye contact with her.

Both times i’ve done it, the person put the sweet potato right up to their ear and said, “hello??  … FUCK!”

Let me know if you pull it off.  It’s so fun.

3 Responses so far »

  1. 3

    jeff said,

    should i come up to uvm one of these weekends? i could leaf-peep on the way up

    leaf peepers

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